The Brattleboro Ski Hill is operated by Living Memorial Park Snow Sports, Inc. The non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization is separate from the Town of Brattleboro and Parks and Recreation Department. The Ski Hill would not be here without support from the town and Parks and Rec, however all operations are volunteer-driven, without any direct financial support from the Town of Brattleboro.
Living Memorial Park Snow Sports (LMPSS) relies on the generous donations from our community for utilities, equipment maintenance, supplies and upgrades. Affordable, local, family-friendly skiing and snowboarding, is our priority. Please consider donating so that we can continue to offer this important community service.
If you're unable to donate financially, consider donating your time or services. We are always looking for helpful, friendly volunteers, and creative ways to spread our message.

You can also mail your
tax-deductible donation to:
PO Box 1945
Brattleboro, VT 05302